Accordions Asia Super Store Xiamen 手风琴 厦门

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ELANE PREGIO JAZZ Accordion (by Borsini)
Elane Pregio JAZZ Accordion
Notes/Bass  Rows Registers 
42/120   5/5 15+M/7 

Cassotto Superstar Reeds, oversize bass reeds for very rich bass sound - best casotto sound of any accordion 5 Voices 42 keys 

Compact 5 voice accordion (Preliminary Specifications)
1.) Quality and design like the Sandi Jug compact model or regular size
2.) Drawbars or register buttons
3.) Voices: 16,16, 8,8, 4
4.) LED spectrum analyzer display
6.) Custom painting (optional)
7.) All Treble keys black, all bass keys black - or marbled
8.) Optional Midi out (wireless) and optional wireless microphone output